
"Change your behaviour, change your world."

We bring together the world’s best engineers, behavioural scientists with user centric team players to change human behaviour where we have the most impact.

Why we work at Signol?

The combination of a fantastic group of people, a meaningful environmental impact and a huge potential to transform the connectivity and respect for seafarers persuaded me to leave my consulting days and join the team.

Harriet Hunnisett-Johnson

Head of Maritime

Signol is an innovator, and our employees are part of a huge global push to address climate change - in a trackable, easy, quick and proven way. And I get to be here to help encourage, guide and develop the most important ingredient to Signol’s success - its people.

Evie Gerontis

Operations Manager and Board Secretary

I’m personally really inspired by the fact that the team is clearly passionate about making decisions that are right for people, as well as right for the environment.

Chris Marsden

Data Lead

The people and the work culture! From day one, it’s been so clear that I’m surrounded by a really grounded, supportive and hilarious team, each one an expert in their field.

Clare Twomey

UX/UI Designer

In addition to creating a positive impact through behaviour change (something I am very passionate about), Signol has a wonderful team who care about the work and helping each other to develop and succeed.

Annie Haswell

Behavioural Scientist

Being part of this team has allowed me to use the knowledge I have gained at sea and focus it solely on saving carbon in shipping.

Drew Selley

Maritime Product Manager

At a time when the world is very much focused on protecting the environment, by working for Signol, I am making a difference, and I am working, directly or indirectly, with people in a position to make a positive impact. I am part of a great team and enjoy the supportive atmosphere I encounter daily at work.

Sylvie Lu

UX/UI Design Researcher

At Signol, there is not just a clear understanding of where we are now and where we want to get to but also, and this is where team culture comes in, how we want to be along the way.

Chris Mason

Customer Success Manager

The combination of a fantastic group of people, a meaningful environmental impact and a huge potential to transform the connectivity and respect for seafarers persuaded me to leave my consulting days and join the team.

Harriet Hunnisett-Johnson

Head of Maritime

Signol is an innovator, and our employees are part of a huge global push to address climate change - in a trackable, easy, quick and proven way. And I get to be here to help encourage, guide and develop the most important ingredient to Signol’s success - its people.

Evie Gerontis

Operations Manager and Board Secretary

I’m personally really inspired by the fact that the team is clearly passionate about making decisions that are right for people, as well as right for the environment.

Chris Marsden

Data Lead

The people and the work culture! From day one, it’s been so clear that I’m surrounded by a really grounded, supportive and hilarious team, each one an expert in their field.

Clare Twomey

UX/UI Designer

In addition to creating a positive impact through behaviour change (something I am very passionate about), Signol has a wonderful team who care about the work and helping each other to develop and succeed.

Annie Haswell

Behavioural Scientist

Being part of this team has allowed me to use the knowledge I have gained at sea and focus it solely on saving carbon in shipping.

Drew Selley

Maritime Product Manager

At a time when the world is very much focused on protecting the environment, by working for Signol, I am making a difference, and I am working, directly or indirectly, with people in a position to make a positive impact. I am part of a great team and enjoy the supportive atmosphere I encounter daily at work.

Sylvie Lu

UX/UI Design Researcher

At Signol, there is not just a clear understanding of where we are now and where we want to get to but also, and this is where team culture comes in, how we want to be along the way.

Chris Mason

Customer Success Manager

What matters at Signol

We live on Integrity Street (it’s a 2 way road)

We like truth, transparency, team-fulness (yes, we just made up the word), togetherness, talent, inTegrity (see what we did there!?!?), tolerance, and tacos.

We depend on each other.

So, let’s make sure we honour those relationships.

Curiosity and the space to try new things.

Btw our space includes drinks and dogs.

We are all just people.

Smart, funny, inquisitive, creative, quirky, whole-hearted and all about it? Bring it!

Be dynamic.

Try, learn, try again, learn again, just keep going - the answer may just be around the corner.

Having a positive impact.

With our clients, with our team, our vendors, and with our local and global communities.

We depend on our clients.

Just like our team, we honour the relationships with our clients as well.

If we can’t laugh, what’s the point?

"Laughter is an instant vacation." - Milton Berle

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