
Enabling further carbon reduction

Empower your crew to go the extra mile to save fuel.



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Signol is a cutting edge behavioural change service, using a data led approach, that engages each seafarer to complete the most impactful actions to reduce fuel, and instills a regular cadence of communication with the crew, without burdening the management team.

Empower your crew to go the extra mile to save fuel

Save Fuel. Signol consistently delivers 10* ROI

Save Fuel. Signol consistently delivers 10* ROI
Focus crew on achieving goals that have the most substantial outcomes with no infrastructure investment.

Make significant inroads into reducing Carbon emissions

Make significant inroads into reducing Carbon emissions
Meet rigorous carbon reduction targets, whilst seeing a holistic picture of carbon savings achieved.

Drive Data Reliability & Process Automation

Drive Data Reliability & Process Automation
Get clear evidence of fuel efficiency improvements, and assistance implementing and evaluating decarbonization and performance optimization initiatives.

Improves off and on shore communication

Signol instils a regular communication cadence between shoreside and seafarers.

Minimal internet connectivity required

Our platform delivers recommendations and insights in bite size emails and requires minimal internet connectivity to benefit from it. Added ‘s’ for emails.

Easy Data Integrations

Signol is capable of working with noon reports and continuous monitoring data, furthermore, we have a range of data integration methods available meaning there’s minimal additional time required for setup.

Meaningful targets that deliver

With over 20 behaviours to pick from, here are a few standard practice examples you can implement with Signol.
Engine Maintenance Optimisation

With Engine Maintenance Optimisation, mariners save X% fuel and x mT of CO2.

Efficient Auxiliary Engine Use

With Efficient Auxiliary Engine Use, mariners save X% fuel and x mT of CO2.

Optimal Sailing

With Optimal Sailing, mariners save X% fuel and x mT of CO2.

Optimal Trim

Works best on vessels where adjustments to the trim are possible.

Any questions left?

Is fuel and carbon reduction your priority? Speak to a Signol expert today and learn more about how we can help.